Affiliated to C.B.S.E (No. 530529)



Leadership Team

Director’s Message

American Montessori Public School

The ancient African Roman playwright Terence was deeply attuned to the human condition. He famously said, I am a human being, and I think nothing human is alien to me. What he suggests is that despite our myriad differences as humans who belong to different communities, hold diverse belief systems, or come from varying geographic regions, in the end we are all linked by a common thread of humanity. We must avoid the urge to judge others based on a fear of what we do not know, and we can do this best when we understand and embrace our common purpose on this earth.

At AMPS, our educational experience emphasizes just this – a desire to understand the kaleidoscope of difference and a curiosity for the unknown – which then leads fearlessly to the journey of becoming a lifelong learner who is open to the world around us in all its wonder and complexity.

Surely, one of the common purposes on this earth must be global peace, a subject close to the heart of Dr. Maria Montessori. Two prerequisites for peace are freedom from war and freedom from want – seemingly intractable problems that we continue to face in our conflictual world today. Cognizant of the world’s pressing problems such as poverty and hunger, and perhaps prescient of our precarious ecological balance, it was Mahatma Gandhi who said, live simply so that others may simply live.

It is my sincere hope that building upon their AMPS foundation, our talented students – our ambassadors to the world - will go out and exercise this ethos of universality espoused by Gandhi, Terence, and Montessori, of embracing our fellow human and displaying compassion, honesty, respect, and integrity in their interactions with others. If they do so, we will inch closer to that elusive goal of world peace.

Dr. Nidhi Trehan

Principal's Message

American Montessori Public School

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all” – Aristotle

With the vision of spreading the light of education by rekindling minds and hearts, American Montessori Public School has been serving society for more than 25 years in Gurugram. The institution is committed to providing excellence in education and contributing towards building the nation by preparing its students to mature into holistically developed personalities.

Ours is a school ‘where children are important’. Hence, we formulate our curriculum based on the interests and objectives of our students, paying special heed to their learning abilities. We inculcate values as we teach and inspire our learners to always be self-motivated in a healthy spirit. Our students are encouraged to nurture a lifelong passion for learning, to enable them to shape the world of their dreams, made beautiful with their involvement, sincerity, and fervor.

At AMPS, we aim to make teaching and learning fun. We do our best to make use of modern teaching aids, updated technology, hands-on activities, and everyday experiences to facilitate the course of education. We provide opportunities for students to realize dreams, share opinions, take responsibility, and participate in decision-making. We strongly believe that enriching life skills enhances the ability to think abstractly, approach problems from multiple angles to find practical solutions, and communicate clearly and effectively. Simultaneously, the educators at AMPS are offered adequate programmes for knowledge enrichment, enabling them to stay abreast of the latest teaching modules and methodologies.

Our former students have accomplished their dreams and established themselves successfully in areas of their choice. Their achievements are milestones of pride for AMPS because their success stories help us believe in our dedication and steadfastness toward shaping a bright future for the children whose parents have banked their trust in us.

At AMPS, children are taught how to think and not what to think. The graph of progress thus etched over the past years speaks volumes of a fruitful past, throws light on our progressive present, and focuses on a future of fulfillment. It is with the team effort of the vision of our patrons, the cooperation of our parents, the commitment of the staff, and the diligence of the students, that we can walk the path toward better times.

I endeavor to fulfill the vision of the school to develop good human beings with exemplary moral values, and sensitivity toward the needs of society. Together, we will pursue the holistic development of our students to ensure that they grow with the skills needed to meet the challenges in today’s global market.

Roopali Kudesia

American Montessori Public School

Mr. Upendra Sarin

Sr. Manager & Chief Accounts Officer
American Montessori Public School

Ms. Manita Singh

Senior Wing Coordinator &
HOD English Department
American Montessori Public School

Ms. Mousumi Dutta

Montessori Wing Incharge
American Montessori Public School

Ms. Archna Saundriyal

HOD Social Science Dept.
American Montessori Public School

Ms. Keya Dey

HOD Science Dept.
American Montessori Public School

Ms. Archana Singh

HOD Commerce Dept.
American Montessori Public School

Ms. Sarla

HOD Sports Dept.
American Montessori Public School

Mr.Terry Antony

Estate Manager