Affiliated to C.B.S.E (No. 530529)



School House System

American Montessori Public School

The division of the school’s student body into ‘Houses’ is done to encourage wholesome competition and to strengthen the bond between our teachers and students. It helps AMPSians to undertake responsibility, and develop their administrative and organising skills, besides encouraging overall leadership. Interactions with their peer groups, along with juniors and seniors, hone their personality, providing them with a sense of belonging, challenging them to perform their best.

AMPS is following the same ethos and has divided its students into four Houses namely Unity, Fraternity, Peace and Integrity. Students join a House from Class I onwards and remain in there throughout their journey at AMPS. Teachers too are members categorised in the four appointed Houses.

House Captains are chosen from Class XII and Vice Captains from Class XI. They face an interview by a Board composed of the Principal and Staff Members. Their appointment also depends on their performance during their academic sojourn. All competitions are conducted House wise, managed by students administratively under the supervision and guidance of their teachers. Based on the results of various competitions, the coveted ‘Best House Trophy’ is also awarded at the Sports Day Prize Giving Ceremony.

The different Houses signify their mottos and are duly represented by the colours of their banners as below:

  • UNITY represented by the colour Red signifies energy. Red draws attention like no other colour and radiates a strong and powerful energy that motivates its members to take action keeping unity in mind.
  • The colour of happiness and optimism Yellow has been used to represent FRATERNITY. A cheerful and energetic colour that brings fun and joy to the world. It inspires thought and curiosity and boosts enthusiasm and confidence by its message by promoting fraternity.
  • The colour of harmony and health is showcased by PEACE through their colour Green - a generous, relaxing colour that revitalises our body and mind. It balances our emotions and leaves us feeling safe and secure. It gives us hope, with promises of growth and prosperity, and provides a little bit of luck to help us along the way and inspire peace in all.
  • The colour of trust and loyalty is Blue chosen for INTEGRITY. It has a calming and relaxing effect on our psyche, and makes us feel confident and secure. It is an honest, reliable and a responsible colour and can always be counted upon for providing support with total integrity.