Affiliated to C.B.S.E (No. 530529)

Vision, Mission & Philosophy


Our vision at AMPS is to create a holistic education experience for our students, an education which goes beyond just books, which inculcates self-discipline, mindfulness, empathy and respect for each living being. Education that does not merely give us information, but develops the “whole child”, bringing our life into harmony with all existence.


We envision a world in which every child, regardless of background, becomes a healthy and productive adult. In this regard, we:

  • Nurture our students to be independent, life-long learners imbued with sound moral values who are respectful and responsible, and who rise to the challenges of daily life creatively and enthusiastically.
  • Provide a stable, caring and supportive family-like environment, where students receive mature guidance through daily interaction with able faculty and become accountable, productive, and ethical citizens.
  • Inculcate the skills to think innovatively, reason critically and communicate effectively.
  • Provide a resource rich learning environment wherein students can develop into citizens of the world.

We are committed to providing a positive and respectful learning environment where the future of a generation is built by our experienced and talented educators. At AMPS, students are mentored and guided to become responsible, independent, confident, and compassionate adults.


As each child is unique and deserves to realize his/her own potential, the hallmark of our educational philosophy is respect for the child. AMPS has a carefully planned and structured curriculum which aims to help children pursue their individual interests from a young age.
Our school believes that all students can become successful learners and that there are no predetermined limits to what students can accomplish at any age. We provide a learning environment which stimulates, challenges, and satisfies our students. Our well-planned curriculum and diversity of co-curricular activities help students develop a well-rounded personality that will stand them in good stead as they embark upon their individual journey through life.