Message from the Founder Chairperson
I am honoured and grateful to all our parents for choosing AMPS for their children’s education. An investment in education is an investment in the future, and not just for your own child, but for all humankind.
For each child that enters our classrooms and walks our hallways, the educational experience is a journey and the teacher is a guide on that pathway. I believe that guiding young minds in a positive direction
means honing their innate potential and equipping each young individual with the essential knowledge and skills that propel them forward into a successful adulthood. This is the very essence of true education.
Quality education addresses every aspect of personal development. We must prepare children for life. The fruits of this labour are evident when we are able to inculcate respect, responsibility, ethical values,
healthy habits, and positive attitudes. This is the very core to success in life. Our goal at AMPS is to develop curriculum, provide experiences, enrich environments and design programs that take children from
everyday learning and catapult them into learning opportunities. We fan the spark of curiosity and creativity to watch it grow into an internal drive to discover and create. We encourage children to achieve
independence, solve problems, become critical thinkers, and respect life and relationships. As parents and teachers, we must work in collaboration to find their inner strengths and aptitudes. To observe
our children carefully in order to meet their needs, encourage them when they hesitate, and give feedback that will help them develop healthy self-esteem and the
confidence to face their challenges in the future. A strong sense of self-worth is perhaps the best gift we can give to our children so they are given permission to
believe in themselves.
We at AMPS hope to present the world to our children so they can present themselves to the world! We are as eager as you are for your children to find satisfaction in school, and with your support and involvement, success is guaranteed.
Lalita Trehan
Message from Chairperson
We are here to teach the children “how to learn”, keeping in pace with the swift advancement of technology while retaining the fundamental values of an ethical life.
At AMPS, we focus on holistic education for our students which inculcates wisdom and clarity in their minds, along with preparing them to obtain professional degrees.
Our goal is to teach our students “how to live” rather than to merely exist, and to lead productive, peaceful and blissful lives.
Children are not vessels to be filled, but lamps to be lit!
Surinder K. Trehan